Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bovine Bliss

Today I had the camera charged up and ready!  From the kitchen window, I could see Abhayji lying in the meager sunshine, trying to soak up whatever rays he could (Suryadeva has been fighting to give our dear ox some warmth despite the Naryanajvara cold that has lately enveloped Prabhupada Village).  Abhay was lying in a pile of hay, looking cozy and relaxed, picking up mouthfuls of hay and munching on them as he lay in his hay-bed.  I laughed aloud and called Kamalini and Bhadrasena to come watch.  Abhayji was eating his bed!  So funny and cute, I had to snap a picture of him to show you.  It's therapeutic to see an ox lying on a pile of hay in the morning sun and munching on the same hay he's lying on.  Adorably cute and heartwarming.

Abhayji munches hay while basking in the winter sun

Here's Abhayji cazhing in the summer sunshine, his favorite pastime next to eating.     
Abhayji relaxing in a bed of hay, trying to soak up those meager February sunrays.